CBSE Class IV Practice Sheet -A

Class IV
Practice Sheet

1.                   Half past twelve at night
2.                   Quarter to three past noon
3.                   Quarter past eight in the morning
4.                   Half past three at night
5.                   Five minutes to ten at night
6.                   The time taken for the minute hand to complete one round of the clock is called _____________
7.                   In a day the hour hand takes __________________ rounds of the clock .
8.                   Between two consecutive numbers on the clock there is a difference of ___________minutes .
9.                   Write whole number_____________________________________________
10.               Write Natural Numbers ______________________________________
11.               Write Even Numbers____________________________________________
12.               Write Odd Numbers_________________________________________
13.               The shortest  hand of the clock  shows the _________________________
14.               The long hand shows the _____________________________________
15.               1 hours ___________________ minutes
16.               1 Minutes__________________seconds
17.               1 Hours ___________________ seconds
18.               There is a difference of ________________ minutes when the minute hand has moved from quarter to four to quarter past four .
19.               How many hours and minute have passed from   1:00 Am  to 3 :00 AM
20.               How much it was raining if it was raining for first day is 3 hours 50 mins , 4hrs 30 mins for second day and 2 hours 40 mins for thirds day .
21.               There are _________________months in a year
22.               February has  _____________days
23.               A leap years has _________________________ days in a year .
24.               A leap year comes every __________________years
25.               Perimeter of square is _________________
26.               Area of rectangle is ___________________________________
27.               Area  triangle is ___________________________________
28.               Area of square is ___________________________
29.               Perimeter of triangle is ____________________________
30.               Perimeter of rectangle is _______________________________
31.               Angali  has Rs 1065.70 she spent Rs. 554.20 How much money she saved.
32.               Define
33.               Radius
34.               Diameter

35.               Arc

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