6th Profit and Loss(Revision Exercise) Part-IV ICSE Board

Profit and Loss(Revision Exercise) Part-IV
I.C.S.E Board
1.         Find the cost price on an article which is sold for Rs.1,080 at the gain of Rs.180.Also find the gain percent.
2.         Find the cost price of an article which is sold for Rs.1,350 at a loss of  Rs.150.Also, express the loss percent.

3.         Find the selling price if:
a)         C.P.=Rs.500 and profit=23%
b)         C.P.=Rs.1,800 and  loss=5%
c)         C.P.=Rs.225 and profit=one-third of the cost price.
d)         C.P=Rs.555 and loss=Rs.one –fifth of the cost price.

4.         An article is bought for Rs.750 and is sold at a gain of 30%?
a)         Find its selling price.
b)         How much will be gained, if the article is sold at a gain of 30%?

5.         Chanchal buys an article for Rs.1,300 and sells it at a loss of 10%.She again buys some other article for Rs.1,200 and sells it at a gain of 25%.Find:

a)         the selling price of the first article.
b)         the selling  price of the second article.
c)       the  total selling price of both articles.
d)         the total cost price of both articles.
e)         the profit or loss made on the whole.
f)         the profit or loss as percent on the whole.

6.         An article is bought for Rs.620 and is sold for Rs.780.The second article is bought for Rs.575 and is sold for Rs.437.Similarly, the third article is bought for Rs.805 and is sold for Rs.883.Find:

a)         the total C.P of all three articles
b)         the total S.P. of all three articles.
c)         the profit or loss as percent on the whole.

7.         A shopkeeper buys an old T.V. for Rs.5,400 and spends Rs.600 on its repairs.If he sells the repaired T.V for Rs.6,900; find:

a)         his profit or loss                      b)         his profit or loss percent

8.         An article is bought for Rs.1,600 and Rs.900 is spent on its repairings.If the repaired T.V. f or Rs.2,000; find:

a)         the profit or loss made on selling the articles.
b)         the profit or loss made on the whole.

9.         An article is marked at Rs.1,650 and is available at a discount of 20%.Find:

a)         the discount given
b)         the selling price of the article.

10.       A dinning- table is marked for Rs.7,500 and is sold for Rs.6,000.Find:

a)         the discount given
b)         the discount given as percent.

Compiled by:-
Sanjeev Kumar Taneja




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