6th- Linear Equations In One Variable Part-1 I.C.S.E.Board

Linear Equations In One Variable

1.         A  number increased by 17 is equal to 54.Find the number.

2.         A number decreased by 8 equals 26, find the number.

3.         One- fourth of a number added to two-twentyth of it gives 135; find the number.

4.         Two- fifths of a number subtracted from three- fourths of it gives 56, find the number.

5.         A number is increased by 12 and the new number obtained is multiplied by 5.If the resulting number obtained is 95; find the original number.

6.         A number is increased by 26 and the new number obtained is divided by 3.If the resulting number is 18; find the original number.

7.         The age of a man is 27 years more than the age of his  son.If the sum of their ages is 47years; find the ages of the son and his father.

8.         The difference between the ages of the Chanchal and her father is 26 years.If the sum of their ages is 56 years, find the ages of Chanchal and her father.

9.         When two consecutive natural numbers are added, the sum is 31; find the numbers.

10.       When three consecutive natural numbers are added, the sum is 66, find the numbers.

Compiled by:-
Sanjeev Kumar Taneja

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