6th- Arithmetic Problems Part-1 I.C.S.E Board

Arithmetic Problems Part-1
                                   I.C.S.E Board

1.         Express each of the following ratios in simplest form:
a)         4:6                   b)         48:54               c)         200:250           d)5kg:800gm
e)         30cm:2 m        f)         1 hour:45 minutes   g) 2years:9months
2.         A field is 80 m in length and 60 m in width.Find the ratio between its width and its length.
3.         The montlly salary of a person is Rs.12,000 and his monthly expenditure is Rs.8,500.Find the ratio between his:
a)         salary and expenditure            b)         expenditure and savings
c)         savings and salary
4.         The strength of a class is 65,with 30 girls and remaining boys.Find the ratio between the number of:
a)         girls and boys  b)         boys and the whole class
c)         whole class and girls.
5.         The weekly expenses of  a boy have increased from Rs.150 to Rs.225.Find ratio between:
a)         increase in expenses  and original expenses.
b)         original expenses and increased expenses
c)         increased expenses and increase in expenses.
6.         Reduce the following ratios to its lowest terms:
a)         1 hour 20 min:2 hours
b)         4 weeks:49 days
c)         3 years 4 months:5 years 5 months
d)         2 m 40 cm:1 m 44 cm
e)         5 kg 500 gm:2 kg 750 gm
7.         The strength  of a class is 50; out of which 30 are boys and rest are girls.Find the ratio between the number of boys and the number of girls in the class.
8.         A man’s monthly income is Rs.1,500 out of which he spends Rs.1,250 every month.Find the ratio between his:
a)         savings and expenditure                     b)         expenditure and income
c)         income and savings

Compiled by:
Sanjeev Kumar Taneja

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